Nothing beats cooking in a well organized kitchen. Build out a spice rack with a few boards and some glass jars that fits perfectly in your cabinets with labels that you can quickly read while cooking.
You'll need the following to get started:
With a little bit of planning and some time, you can make some great spice racks to put in your cabinets to keep your spices organized and easy to read that are way better than the cheap plastic spice rack stands you buy from the store.
Take all of your spices and put them into the jars. Using Thingybase, print labels for each spice that you want to see while you're cooking.
You'll need to measure the width and depth of the cabinets. The width will tell you how long of a board to cut and the depth will tell you how many boards you can fit side-by-side in the cabinet. Measure the width of your cabinets with the tape measure.
Cut the 2x4 and 4x4's to the length that matches the width for your cabinet.
The boards will fit in your cabinet like this:
Now that the boards are cut, you'll have to make sure the boards fit into the cabinets. You might have to angle the board at first to get it into the cabinet or shimmy it around. If it doesn't fit, you might have to cut the board to be shorter than the width of the cabinets. It's OK if its a little bit shorter than the width of the cabinet; there's still going to be plenty of room to spread out the spice jars.
First you'll wiggle the 4x4 into place so its in the back of the shelf. Then wiggle in the 2x4. When the boards are in, the back of your spice rack will be the 4x4, the 2x4 in the middle, and the bottom of the shelf in the front.
When the boards are placed properly in the cabinets, put the jars on the boards, then take a picture of it and admire your work. If you want to make your friends a little bit jealous, share the picture on Instagram and show off your newly organize pantry.
If your cabinets are deep enough, you could get a 2x6 or stack the 4x4 on top of the 2x4 to have a 4th row for the spices. That's a whole lot of spices!