Apple Shortcuts

Tighter integration with iPhone and iPad

Apple Shortcuts are a great way for power users to customize the integration between Thingybase and iOS or iPadOS. Before you get started, you'll need to configure your Apple device to allow untrusted shortcuts.

Find items on account

If you dream about being able to take out your phone and say to Siri, "Search Thingybase", and have it tell you where your stuff is, read on.

  1. In a browser head to and tap or click on the account you'd like to search.

  2. In the browser's URL field you'll see a URL like<your-account-id-random-chars>; this is the Account URL that you'll copy and paste into the Shortcut.

  3. Install Shortcut on your iPhone or iPad. You may need to configure Shortcuts to allow untrusted shortcuts.

  4. Paste the account URL into the "Account URL" field.

  5. That's it! If you didn't change the name of the shortcut, you can say to Siri, "Search Thingybase", then it will ask what you'd like to search for, and launch the results in a browser so you can see where it is.

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